Five things to do while enjoying the Hyatt Hotel in Saipan

The Hyatt Hotel, Siapan’s five-star destination, is the island’s prized beach accommodation. The beautiful grounds and swimming pool along with the best restaurants on the Island are complimented by excellent service. While at the Hyatt do not miss:
1. Water fun: Enjoy the free-form pool complete with waterfalls. Or, head to the beach that is well protected by the reef. Equipment for snorkeling, windsurfing, and all sorts of water sports are available. Take a day trip to the nearby Managaha Island.
2. Sunday Buffet: The Hyatt is well-known for its excellent restaurants but their Sunday Buffet is the biggest and, hands down, the best in the Marianas featuring a whole roast pig and a chocolate fountain.
3. Spa time: The hotel’s i Sagua Spa is based on the local culture’s relationship with water and traditional healing treatments. It is the place to revitalize the mind, body and spirit.
4. Regency Club: Discerning guests will request accommodations at the Club where the day starts with a buffet with a hot breakfast dish and ends with libations and hot hors d'oeuvres. Coffee, tea and cookies are available all day. And, there is a private pool on the terrace for club guests.
5. Sunset: It is said that no trip to Saipan is complete without seeing the ‘green flash.” The phenomenon happens just as the last sliver of the sun hits the horizon creating a flash of green for a second. Enjoy one of the hotel’s great cocktails while waiting for the green flash.
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